Rukan e Shura

Haji Muhammad Ameen Attari Maktaba

Haji Muhammad Ameen Attari was born on 9th March 1968 (9 Zul Hajjah-tul-Haram 1387 H) in Hyderabad, Sindh. In 1990, he got associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami, and in addition to being Nigran of Zaili Halqah, Halqah and ‘Ilaqah Division, he has performed his responsibilities as a Rukn-e-Shura for Madrsatah-tul-Madinah (boys), Langar Razawiyyah department, Tibbi ‘Ilaj department, Mazarat-e-Awliya department, Tahaffuz-e-Rizq department, Support for Islamic sisters department, Maktabah-tul-Madinah department and Taqseem-e-Rasayil department. In 2006, he became the Rukn of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura. At the time of writing this (in August 2021), he is performing his duties as a Rukn-e-Shura for Karachi Region (Karachi South, Karachi East, Bin Qasim and Quetta Zone) and suburbs department. Besides, he is capable of working for business department, administration department, finance department and other different departments.

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To publicize invitation towards righteousness and Islamic knowledge in remote and small cities and villages and train people there to make them well-mannered and characterful Muslim.