Rukan e Shura

Haji Muhammad Ameen Attari Qafila

Haji Muhammad Ameen Qafilah Attari was born on 16th December 1976 (25 Zul Hajjat-ul-Haram 1396 H) in Nawabshah, Sindh. In January 1989, he got associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami, and he has performed his religious services on different organizational responsibilities like Halqah Nigran, Shoba Madani courses Nigran (Landhi, Karachi), Shoba Madani courses Nigran (Karachi), Nigran of Shoba Madani Qafilah Pakistan, Nigran of Sindh and Baluchistan Mashawarat and Nigran of East African countries in overseas. In 2009, he became the Rukn of Markazi Majlis-e-Shura of Dawat-e-Islami. At the time of writing this (in August 2021), he is performing his religious services as Rukn-e-Shura in Shoba Madani Qafilah, Shoba Dar-us-Sunnah, Karahi East, Malir Zone and Korangi Zone (Karachi). Besides, he is also skillful at working in the electrical field.

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To manage academies giving religious, ethical and organizational training to Islamic brothers and sisters separately.

To manage and make preparations for 3-day, 12-day, 1-month and 12-month Madani Qafilahs