Rukan e Shura

Haji Muhammmad Ather Attari

Haji Athar Ali Attari was born in 1976 (8 Rabi ul Awwal 1396 H) in Nawabshah, Sindh. In 1986, he got associated with the religious environment of Dawat-e-Islami, and he had been offering his religious services to different organizational duties in some cities (like Nawabshah, Sukkur, Larkana, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Jhelum, Attock, etc.). Responsibility for Shoba education Pakistan also rested with him. At the time of writing this (in August 2021), he is performing his responsibilities as Rukn-e-Shura for education department, medical department, Dar-ul-Madinah Islamic school and college, Dar-ul-Madinah university, IT department, communication with special personalities department, security department, media department, communication with showbiz department, communication with sports department, reform of prisoners department, communication with lawyers department, professionals department, communication with transport department, Faizan-e-Murshid department¸ translation department, marketing department, Faizan rehabilitation center, research, training and development, public relationship management, data analytics department, Sehra-e-Madinah department, Faizan education network and communication with social media department.

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To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people associated with transport, railway, airport, goods transport, bus and taxi stand etc. and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people related to Faizan-e-Murshid department, retired Islamic brothers and personalities of the department and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among policemen, politicians and people working in government departments.

This department establishes standards of working and providing services for all the departments and institutions of Dawat-e-Islami and also maintain and enhance the quality of system and services.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people related to the field of journalism.

To reform prisoners and provide them with Islamic and ethical trainings.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people associated with the field of showbiz like directors, actors, drama writers etc. and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people related to the field of sports (coaching staff, players etc.) and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness in schools, colleges, universities, academies etc. and give religious training to students, teachers and staff members.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people associated with the field of medical like doctors, medical staff and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To give Islamic (based on correct writings of Islam) and worldly education to boys and girls.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness all around the world using information technology.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among engineers, doctors, account officers etc. and supervise religious activities held under Dawat-e-Islami.

To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people related to the field of journalism

Faizan Islamic School System