
Rukan e Shura

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Nigran e Majlis

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Zeli Departments

To issue different updates on the departments (like Jamiat-ul-Madinah, Madrasat-ul-Madinah, etc.) of Dawat-e-Islami in different manners on a monthly basis • To issue the final lists of Pakistan Organizational Setup (like province, division, district, etc.) and Nigran Departments of Pakistan • To send Madani pearls regarding Madani Mashwarahs of Nigran Pakistan Mashawarat to the respective Zimmahdar • To send the messages (voice messages, video clips, litanies of the spiritual treatment, etc.) of Nigran Pakistan Mashwarat to the devotees of Rasool on different occasions • To carry out the organizational checking of the religious activities, the eight religious activities of Islamic sisters, and the booklets of the department • To issue questions and answers of the weekly Madani Muzakarah, Bayan of the weekly Itjima’, announcements, and schedule of the learners and teachers

To receive the advance and practical schedule from the Zimmahdaran of entire Pakistan • To prepare the summary of schedule • To receive the summary and performance of the compliance of schedule from the provincial offices • To appreciate the outstanding performance in the schedule and to do the Tarbiyyah of Zimmahdaran regarding the shortcomings found in the schedule

To oversee all the matters of the Department of Ijarah Waqf Muballigheen

To receive the monthly / weekly performances of Pakistan Department • To work on the Planning 2026 • To analyze success after every three months according to this planning • To provide new Nigran departments with the information regarding the organizational package (its relevant Kaarkardagi form and Madani pearl, software, etc.) and to ensure the software implementation

To prepare and update Kaarkardagi form, Madani pearls regarding the department, and organizational responsibilities • To prepare presentation • To research on different organizational topics

To analyze the schedule of Waqf Muballigheen, the buildings of department (Jamiat-ul-Madinah, Madrasah-tul-Madinah, etc.) and the system • To get solution from the respective department / Zimmahdaran, according to the organizational Shar’i guidance, for the issues faced during analysis

To send complaints and suggestions to the respective department / Zimmahdaran and to get solution according to the organizational Shar’i guidance

To enter the 12 religious activities performance in the software and check • To receive and check the performances of departments and events • To update the appointment of Zimmahdaran and to complete the data of appointment • To provide the organizational updates to Zimmahdaran • To create an organizational Whatsapp group and to keep Zimmahdaran updated • To receive the advance and practical schedule, to check, and to prepare the summary • To follow up the Madani pearls of Madani Mashwarahs • To ensure information about Madani Mashwarahs, preparation, job description, send Madani pearl and to get confirmation, etc.

To follow up with the respective Zimmahdaran and try to implement the follow-up Madani pearls resolved in the Madani Mashwarahs of Mashawarat of Nigran Pakistan, Mashawarat of the Members of Shura and the Provincial Nigran, Nigran of Departments and Nigrans of Divisions • To punch the location of the resolved departments on the Google Map • To get the organizational map completed

To keep the website of Dawat-e-Islami updated • To create clips of the organizational videos and other organizational updates • To generate the organizational posts and make them viral

To run the social media accounts of Mashawarat of Nigran Pakistan • To try to increase the followers on the respective pages • To create Madani news pertaining to Mashawarat of Nigran Pakistan and to make them viral

To take measures for the management Affairs and Khud Kifalat of Pakistan Mashawarat Office)

To try and take practical measures for the improvement in the system of performance in Pakistan Mashawarat Office and other departments, and to create software which includes 12 Religious Activities, Schedule Software, Complain Management System, ORG Website and Performance Software, etc.

To create the schedule of online organizational course for organizational Zimmahdaran (Division / District / Nigran of Departments) • To prepare the syllabus and to conduct the course